Refund Policy

Refund Policy: We only charge your credit card after you agree to allow us to remotely log in to your computer to perform the work to your satisfaction. After the completion of the work, if you believe you are not satisfied with the quality of the work, please send an email to to request for a refund. To qualify for a refund, you will need to meet ALL of the following conditions:
a) send us the email within three hours of the time stated in this document.
b) state clearly in the email your reason for dissatisfaction
c) attach a copy of this document to the email
d) state in the email that you agree to us deducting an amount of US$ 100, /AUD 100, / GBP 100, / SGD 100, / EUR 100 (currency in which you were charged) from the amount to be refunded to take into account the time we have spent on your request to provide you service
e) state in the email that you understand that the refund may take at least 10 working days.
We will only provide a refund if ALL of the above-stated conditions have been met by you.